Sunday, July 26, 2020

Western Larkspur (Delphinium occidentale)

Western Larkspur; Timpanogos, 7/24/2013, David Kenison

Also known as Showy Larkspur. From the Buttercup (Ranunculaceae) family. The genus name, Delphinium, is from the Greek word for "dolphin" and refers to the curved shape of the flower buds.

The vibrant blue and purple colors of the Larkspur make it a real standout in mountain meadows. The tall spike (often 3-6 feet) is often densely surrounded by the flowers that are from a half inch to over an inch each.

The plant is poisonous to livestock. Crushed larkspur was used by Native Americans to control lice and other insects.

A related species, the Glaucous Larkspur, has less densely-packed flowers on the stem

These photos were taken by the author at a variety of locations around Utah.  Click to view enlargements.



Additional information:
USDA information page
USDA profile
Lady Bird Johnson Profile

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